A Sanctuary for the Hebrew Language: An Annual Event in Honor of Hebrew Book Week


A Sanctuary for the Hebrew Language

An Annual Event in Honor of Hebrew Book Week

In Tribute to Israel’s National Poet Hayim Nahman Bialik


H.E. Isaac Herzog

Dr. David Rozenson, Executive Director of Beit Avi Chai


Reading Hebrew Poetry and Literature:

Prof. Avigdor Shinan, Agi Mishol,

Shachar Mario Mordechai, Orit Gidali, and Shani Mitgartz.


Musical Interlude: Maya Belsitzman and Matan Ephrat

Moderated by Amichai Chasson


The event at the President's Residence is for invitees only.
You may register to watch the event via Zoom.
The event is held in Hebrew.



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Also at Beit Avi Chai