PIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016


Celebrating the Sabbath




PIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016Ja'alleh
A Jerusalem Yemenite Celebration
Shai Tsabari, Zion Golan, Gila Bashari,
Tom Fogel and others
Thursday, Oct. 6th | 20:30



The Sabbath As An Oasis in TimePIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016 
Dr. Meir Buzaglo, Prof. Haviva Pedaya,
MK Prof. Manuel TrajtenbergTamir Nir,
MK Tamar Zandberg, Shmuel Chaim Papenhaim 
Friday, Oct.7th | 11:30am 




PIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016A Feminine Journey To The Sabbath
A Special Kabbalat Shabbat 
Maya Belsitzman, Rona Kenan, Neta Elkayam and a String Quartet.
Friday, Oct. 7th | 13:30 


PIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016A Meeting at Midnight 
Inspired by a Chassidic Tish
Prof. Haviva Pedaya, Ariel Levinson, David Menachem, Aharon Razel
Friday, Oct. 7th | Midnight 



PIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016Shabbat Stories for Children 
Stories and Music of Piyut for children in the Beit Avi Chai Courtyard
Yinon Shazo, Yizhak Laor, Ariel Keren, Uri Kroiser, Adi Arnon. NItzan Perry 
                                                Saturday, Oct. 8th | 16:30 


PIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016Shirat HaBakashot  - Songs of Supplication
New interpretations of ancient Piyutim from the liturgy and music of Moroccan Jewry
Yagel Haroush and the Shir Yedidiot Ensemble host Rabbi Chaim louk,
                                               Erez Lev Ari
                                               Saturday Night, Oct. 8th | 21:30 


PIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016Closing Program: Knocking on Heaven's Door
To Sing a Prayer
Miri Mesika, Mark Eliyahu, Idan and Elad Amedi, Ziv Yehezkel and Nasrin Kadri,
Moshe Louk and The Jerusalem Andalusian Orchestra
                                                 Sunday, Oct. 9th | 20:30  
                                                 Jerusalem’s Safra Square


PIYUT Festival | October 6th – 9th, 2016The Paths of Piyut – Special Walking Tours of Jerusalem
Discover Nachlaot, Mahane Yehuda, and the Old City, combined with select programs at Beit Avi Chai (in Hebrew)











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שבת בבוקר בבית אבי חי
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