Exhibition Opening of Anatoly Kaplan: The Enchanted Artist

הכרטיסים אזלו

The Beit Avi Chai Gallery
44 King George Street, Jerusalem

Thursday | January 19, 2023 | 7 p.m.


Dr. David RozensonAmichai Chasson, Prof. Dan Miron,
Dr. Natalya KozyrevaNati Ravitz, and musician Daniel Zamir

For the first time in Israel, the Beit Avi Chai Gallery presents a retrospective exhibition of artist Anatoly Kaplan, with more than 100 original works exhibited on three floors that include prints, ceramics, oil and gouache paintings, and books illustrated by the artist.

The exhibition opening includes tours of the exhibition, presentations by curators and invited speakers, light refreshments – and the possibility to purchase the bilingual (Hebrew and English) full-color exhibition catalogue that includes works being published for the first time in Israel, at a special opening price.

Anatoly Kaplan (born in 1902 in the town of Rogachov, a small shtetl in what is now Belarus; died in Leningrad in 1980) was one of the major Jewish-Soviet artists of the 20th century. Kaplan’s artistic oeuvre includes Jewishly-themed artistic creations for Jewish literature, depictions of Jewish life, and of Rogachov, his beloved town of birth. Many of Kaplan’s works have never been exhibited in Israel. Compared to Chagall and Soutine, the artist was never permitted to leave the Soviet Union.


The seats in the auditorium are not marked; seating will be based on available seats.

All exhibition opening tickets in the auditorium are fully reserved.
Exhibition opening tickets now available for live broadcast in mini-auditorium room 103 and in the Beit Avi Chai courtyard.

Please note - in order to register for the opening of the exhibition, click the "buy tickets" (רכישת כרטיסים) button and reserve a ticket free of charge.


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