Address Unknown

In the 1920s, two German friends immigrate to the United States: Max is Jewish and single, and Martin is non-Jewish and head of a growing family. Now, in 1932, the art gallery and its proprietors are successful, but the winds of change blowing in Germany call Martin to take his family back to the Fatherland. Address Unknown plays out through a series of letters exchanged between Max and Martin, letters that reflect the intimate human drama caused by the social and political tumult of Germany during the rise of the Nazi Party.
Written by Kathrine Kressmann Taylor
Directed by Leah Stoller

Actors: Arthur Fischer, Marvin Meital

Jerusalem English Speaking Theatre
Length: 45 min’?

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Stage One
Amateur English Theater Festival, Jerusalem, Passover, 2010
פסטיבל תיאטרון חובבים באנגלית

March 31– April 2, 2010

Jerusalem is home to many English-language theater groups, run by volunteers whose immigrant pasts allow for a unique commentary on local issues and identity. During Passover, Beit Avi Chai in collaboration with Merkaz Hamagshimim Hadassah will spotlight this thriving subculture through three days that showcase the finest English-language drama Jerusalem has to offer.

Artistic Director of the Festival: Rafi Poch
Special Festival price: a third (full rate) ticket for 50%.  - to purchase the special ticket contact the ticket office at 02-6215900.

Please note: some of the plays/acts take place more than once.

עוד בבית אבי חי