Torah as the Penultimate Value?


The weeks in between Passover and Shavuot traditionally include the study of Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers).
In this session  we will see the role of work vs. study or study vs. action and continue to hear about the first international women’s siyum hashas.


Torah as the Penultimate Value?
The Mishna in masechet avot speaks multiple times about competing values.  Many of us are familiar with the Mishna that describes the salient characteristics of Raban Yochanan ben zakai’s five students.  Other mishnas describe the relative role of work vs. study or study vs. action. But towards the end of Avot, one Mishna stands out as it compares three values:  Torah study, government (Kingship) and Worship (Kehuna).  The lecture will begin by distinguishing btewen these three poles of life and then describe my personal experience in the world of Torah study, focusing particularly on the event that led up to the first international women’s siyum hashas this past January.

Michelle Cohen Farber




 Monday | May 18 | 5pm (10am EST):  
Work vs. Study or Study vs. Action?
 The First International Women’s Completion of the Talmud



The program takes place in English

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The weeks in between Passover and Shavuot traditionally include the study of Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers). Join Beit Avi Chai's Annual Pirkei Avot series to uncover the depth, meaning and relevance of some of Judaism's most fundamental ethical teachings and maxims.

In this session we will try and understand which poses a greater danger to us - consensus or division.


*The program takes place in English


עוד בבית אבי חי